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The Latino Civic Engagement Collaborative (LCEC)

Formerly known as the Hispanic Civic Engagement Project, LCEC was established in 2009 with a seed grant from the Hispanic Development Fund of Greater Kansas City. Collectively, the Latino Civic Engagement Collaborative (LCEC) brings over 300 years of operational experience. The LCEC is dedicated to supporting the delivery of education, health, mental health, business development, housing, economic development and social services for the Latino population of Kansas City.

The Hispanic community is growing faster than any other segment of Kansas City’s population. Hispanics already comprise 5.2 percent of Kansas City’s population, numbering more than 133,000 and growing. With this growth comes an ever-increasing demand for high quality, affordable, and bilingual (Spanish and English) social services.


The Latino Civic Engagement Collaborative (LCEC) is a collaborative of non-profit executivesthat speaks with a unified voice to bring about measurable improvements in the quality of life for Latinos in Kansas City, Missouri.


The Latino community in Kansas City, Missouri will be healthy politically, economically, educationally, physically and emotionally. It will have an empowered civic voice and will be recognized and appreciated by the broader community.

Consortium Members

The group includes executive directors from many Latino- serving organizations in Kansas City, Missouri. Members include the following organizations:

Cabot Westide Health Center
To provide quality, culturally sensistive, primary health and dental care, and education services to individuals in the Westide and across the Greater Kansas City area regardless of their ability to pay.

Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Greater Kansas City
To create, advance, promote and develop economic opportunities within the Hispanic market and business community.

Hispanic Economic Development Corporation
To develop and implement economic development initiatives that will positively contribute to the quality of life for Latinos in Kansas City.

LULAC National Education Service Center
To provide the highest quality educational opportunities that will empower members of the Hispanic/Latino Community to maximize their personal and educational potential in order to become lifelong learners and leaders.

Mattie Rhodes Center
Mattie Rhodes Center enriches the lives of individuals, families, and communities in a respectful, multicultural environment.

Westide Housing Organization
To revitalize and create sustainable neigborhoods that are safe, affordable, and diverse communities where people want to live, work and play.


  1. Place at least 10 local Latinos in leadership positions as employees and/or as members of boards and commissions.
  2. Develop and disseminate a marketing product that details the needs of Hispanics in Kansas City (and enhances LCEC’s visibility and branding)- this might include a Latino Equity Index, a needs assessment update, or articles providing issue analyses.
  3. Ensure that LCEC has the infrastructure and resources needed to work efficiently and fulfill its mission.

LCEC 2012 Annual Report

Another look at Latinos is Needed written by Mary Sanchez. Kansas City Star. August 5th, 2012.

Kansas City Hispanic Needs Assessment, Press Release. September 12, 2012.  UserFiles/HNA survey Press Release 9-11-12.pdf

Hispanic Needs Assesment Research Underway, written by Edie R. Lambert. Dos Mundos. September 27th, 2012. UserFiles/Hispanic Needs Assessment research underway- FRONT.pdf
UserFiles/Hispanic Needs Assessment research underway.pdf

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